Can Lowering Homocysteine Levels Naturally Reduce Heart Disease

Can lowering homocysteine levels naturally reduce heart disease?

In this article, weโ€™ll explore what homocysteine is, how it impacts cardiovascular health, and effective strategies to manage elevated levels naturally.

How Changing Your Identity Can Transform Your Health

How changing your identity can transform your health

In the pursuit of personal and professional development, many people focus solely on achieving specific goals or changing their habits. However, this approach often overlooks the most transformative aspect of habit formation: identity.

Does High Fasting Triglycerides Cause Heart Disease

Does high fasting triglycerides cause heart disease?

In this article, weโ€™ll explore the role of fasting triglycerides, their connection to cardiovascular health, what optimal levels are and why aiming for those levels is essential.

The Role Of C Reactive Protein

Inflammation and Heart Health: The Role of C-Reactive Protein

This article will explore what CRP is, its role in cardiovascular health, the importance of maintaining optimal CRP levels, and lifestyle strategies for managing chronically raised CRP.

Why Systems Beat Goals Every Time

Why Systems Beat Goals Every Time

Many people set ambitious health goals, losing weight, lowering blood pressure, or reducing stress. While goals provide direction, they often fall short of ensuring lasting change. This article explores why building systems and repeatable habits offer a more sustainable path...

Is Cholesterol The Only Source Heart Disease

Is high cholesterol the only cause of heart disease? The truth!

This article will highlight some of the lab tests and factors I look at that go beyond cholesterol, explain common imbalances, and shed light on the lifestyle factors that play a role in cardiovascular health. It’s time to look at...

What Is Type 1.5 Diabetes

What Is Type 1.5 Diabetes? Understanding the Overlooked Form of Diabetes

In this article I want to provide a general breakdown of LADA/Type 1.5 diabetes, so that there is increased awareness around this often overlooked and poorly managed condition.

Cholesterol Lowering Spreads And Seed Oils Increase Heart Disease Risk

Cholesterol lowering spreads and seed oils increase heart disease risk

Seed oils, including those derived from sunflowers, corn, and soybeans, have become dietary staples in modern cooking and food manufacturing. Yet, mounting evidence suggests that these oils may be detrimental to cardiovascular health, particularly through their high levels of omega-6...

The Science Of Affirmations

The Science of Affirmations: Reprogramming Your Mind for Behavioural Change

Affirmations are often viewed as positive self-talk, a practice that involves repeating uplifting statements to oneself. But there’s more to affirmations than just boosting self-esteem. They have the power to reprogram the subconscious mind, leading to meaningful changes in behaviour.

How Exercise Affects the Accuracy or Interpretation of Blood Test Results

How Exercise Affects the Accuracy or Interpretation of Blood Test Results

Exercise is widely recognised for its profound benefits on overall health and well-being. However, what many people may not realise is that acute exercise, especially within 48 hours before a blood test, can significantly impact certain biomarkers, leading to skewed...

Modifiable and Non Modifiable Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) doesnโ€™t wait for retirement or slower days. Itโ€™s the leading cause of death globally, and those over 40 are at an increased risk, especially men. CVD is often a silent, gradual process, and by the time symptoms...

Lipoprotein A And Cardiovascular Health

Lipoprotein (a): What is it and how does it impact cardiovascular health

When it comes to cardiovascular health, many of us will be familiar with names like LDL and HDL cholesterol and even perhaps triglycerides, for those with a stronger interest in this subject. However, there is one very important molecule that...

Apolipoprotein B Vs Cholesterol How To Lower Apob Naturally

What is Apolipoprotein B (ApoB)? Why ApoB is more important to assess than just cholesterol

In this article I will be talking about something called Apolipoprotein B or abbreviated as ApoB, which should hopefully help you consolidate your understanding of cholesterol and heart disease.

Increase Faecal Pancreatic Elastase Naturally

How to increase faecal pancreatic elastase naturally

In this article we dive into a common stool test marker, pancreatic elastase. Firstly, we explore what pancreatic elastase is, typically reference ranges for pancreatic elastase on a stool test and how our team of Nutritionists and Functional Medicine Practitioners...

Natural Ways To Lower Triglyceride Levels

Natural ways to lower your triglyceride levels

Have you been told you have high triglyceride levels? Perhaps you want to know what caused it and what you can do to lower your triglycerides. In this article we take a deep dive into what triglycerides are, there relevance...

Best Functional Medicine Test For Cardiovascular Risk

The best functional medicine blood tests for cardiovascular risk

In this article we look at some common and some less common cardiovascular risk blood test markers that we use in our functional medicine clinic. We discuss what these markers are and provide typical ranges to aim for to help...

Understanding Your Thyroid Hormone Blood Test Results

Understanding your thyroid hormone blood test results

In this article we look at interpreting your thyroid hormone blood test results. To do this I break down each individual marker, what it is and why it is tested. Throughout the article we discuss the potential imbalances or patterns...

How To Lower Faecal Zonulin Naturally

Faecal Zonulin: What is it and how can you lower it naturally?

In this article, we will take a deep dive into a common marker found on comprehensive stool tests, Zonulin. We look at what zonulin is, it’s association to health issues, what it means for your gut health and what can...

How To Lower Calprotectin Naturally New

Calprotectin: What it is and how you lower it naturally

In this article, we look at the stool test marker known as calprotectin. We explore what calprotectin is, what it means if your calprotectin levels are elevated and how to interpret your test results. We also look at natural ways...

Turmeric Curcumin Health Benefits

Turmeric & Curcumin: Helpful or Hype

In this article, we explore the spice turmeric as well as its popular active component, Curcumin. How might turmeric and curcumin benefit your health and is there good evidence behind its use? If it can help, what conditions might it...

Functional Medicine Overcome Constipation Naturally

How Functional Medicine can help you overcome constipation naturally

In this article, we explore the many causes of constipation and how nutrition, lifestyle and functional medicine can help to alleviate constipation and associated symptoms. We explore the role of lab testing looking for underlying causes as well as supplements...