In this article we look at the health of the small intestine with a particular focus on Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth or SIBO for short. Our Nutritionists and Functional Medicine Practitioners regularly see SIBO and help to support clients with...
As I have already pointed out in previous articles, IBS is a blanket term used to diagnose someone with a particular set of symptoms. Unfortunately being diagnosed with IBS gets you no closer to understanding why you are experiencing these...
As I was explaining in my article titled ‘What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?’, one of the major causes of IBS is the presence of something in the digestive system that should not be there, such as unwanted invaders or overgrowths...
Probably one of the most common diagnoses when attending your doctor with digestive symptoms is that of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS in short. But what exactly is IBS?