Pancreatic Elastase 2

How to increase faecal pancreatic elastase naturally

In this article we dive into a common stool test marker, pancreatic elastase. Firstly, we explore what pancreatic elastase is, typically reference ranges for pancreatic elastase on a stool test and how our team of Nutritionists and Functional Medicine Practitioners...

Stool Zonulin 3

Faecal Zonulin: What is it and how can you lower it naturally?

In this article, we will take a deep dive into a common marker found on comprehensive stool tests, Zonulin. We look at what zonulin is, it's association to health issues, what it means for your gut health and what can...

Lower Stool Calprotectin

Calprotectin: What it is and how you lower it naturally

In this article, we look at the stool test marker known as calprotectin. We explore what calprotectin is, what it means if your calprotectin levels are elevated and how to interpret your test results. We also look at natural ways...

what causes intestinal gas what can be done

What causes intestinal gas and what you can do about it

We all have gas, some of us more than others, but on average we all pass wind 10-15 times per day. For some excessive gas can be embarrassing, and for others a tool for child-like humour, what should be understood...

SIgA Image

Why your low Secretory IgA (SIgA) levels are causing immune and digestive issues

Mucosal surfaces cover a large part of our body. The digestive tract, nose, mouth and throat are prime examples where this mucosal layer plays a critical role in supporting our health.

what your poo says about you image

What Your Poo Says About You

Many years ago I remember watching ‘Dr’ Gillian Mckeith poking her nose around peoples stools on the programme ‘You Are What You Eat’. Little did I know that whilst watching that programme I would go on to become quite fascinated...

improve health by improving digestion image

Improving overall health by improving digestion – my story

Many people assume that I have been healthy all my life, and whilst I have always been aware of health, read about health and studied health, I have by no means always been healthy. My own experiences with ill health...

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