CGM Image

A critical review of continuous glucose monitor (CGM) use

In this video we discuss the use of continuous glucose monitors. What populations they are best suited to, interpretation relating to the data provided by these monitors, factors beyond the food you eat that influences your glucose response and how...

Lp (a) And Cardiovascualr Health 1

Lipoprotein (a): What is it and how does it impact cardiovascular health?

When it comes to cardiovascular health, many of us will be familiar with names like LDL and HDL cholesterol and even perhaps triglycerides, for those with a stronger interest in this subject. However, there is one important molecule that very...

ApoB Image 3

What is Apolipoprotein B (ApoB)? Why ApoB is more important to assess than just cholesterol

When it comes to understanding fats (cholesterol in particular), we have grown more and more uncertain around how cholesterol influences heart attacks and strokes. We’re none the wiser when it comes to understanding our ‘good’ cholesterol vs ‘bad’ cholesterol and...

Pancreatic Elastase 2

How to increase faecal pancreatic elastase naturally

In this article we dive into a common stool test marker, pancreatic elastase. Firstly, we explore what pancreatic elastase is, typically reference ranges for pancreatic elastase on a stool test and how our team of Nutritionists and Functional Medicine Practitioners...

Lower Blood Triglycerides 1

Natural ways to lower your triglyceride levels

Have you been told you have high triglyceride levels? Perhaps you want to know what caused it and what you can do to lower your triglycerides. In this article we take a deep dive into what triglycerides are, there relevance...

Cardiovascular Blood Testing 2

The best functional medicine blood tests for cardiovascular risk

In this article we look at some common and some less common cardiovascular risk blood test markers that we use in our functional medicine clinic. We discuss what these markers are and provide typical ranges to aim for to help...

Thyroid Results 2

Understanding your thyroid hormone blood test results

In this article we look at interpreting your thyroid hormone blood test results. To do this I break down each individual marker, what it is and why it is tested. Throughout the article we discuss the potential imbalances or patterns...

Stool Zonulin 3

Faecal Zonulin: What is it and how can you lower it naturally?

In this article, we will take a deep dive into a common marker found on comprehensive stool tests, Zonulin. We look at what zonulin is, it's association to health issues, what it means for your gut health and what can...