impact of light and technology on sleep

The impact of light and technology on your sleep

In this article we look at the role of technology and the impact of artificial light on sleep health.

fay halloween recipes

Fay’s Halloween Recipes

Hey everyone. Fay here to spread some Halloween fun. I love Halloween for dressing up, making big curries and also for pumpkins. I love carving them and I love using the flesh to make some amazing recipes. They are seasonal...

how to improve energy: the role of anaemia

How to improve your energy: The role of anaemia and what you can do about it

Our energy levels can be affected by so many things, but one of the fundamental areas to consider is that of impaired oxygen delivery or what might be more commonly associated with anaemia.

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Why the Thyroid is important and what symptoms, imbalances and testing options you should be aware of

In this article I want to introduce you to the role of the thyroid in health and disease prevention. I will overview common symptoms and imbalances that can occur as well as possible testing.

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Vitamins & Minerals: Why they matter

Vitamins & minerals are collectively known as micronutrients. They are exceptionally important for maintaining and optimising health. Even though they are required in relatively small quantities, many functions within the body are dependent on sufficient amounts of these micronutrients –...

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Water: Why it’s important and how much should you consume?

There is a striking resemblance between the amount of water on this earth and the amount of water in the human body. With around 60-65% of the human body being water and 75-85% of the brain being made up of...

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Hitting the wall: What is it and what can you do about it

For those of you that have signed up to a long-distance event like a marathon you would have undoubtedly heard of “hitting the dreaded wall”. I myself am doing a 100 mile bike event in June of this year and...

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What fats are best to cook with

With an ever-growing body of research underscoring the importance of dietary fats in our meals, discerning the most beneficial fats for cooking has never been more paramount. This article delves into the structure of fats, highlighting why preserving their integrity...

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Foods to support a healthy digestive system

In this article I am going to discuss some basic tips to help you maintain a healthy digestive system through the food that you eat.

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Calorie and macronutrient breakdown of common foods

In this article I provide you with a full and accurate breakdown of the calorie and macronutrient levels of common foods and use other methods to help you make more informed decisions about portion sizes.

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Understanding your hunger meditation practice

In this exercise developed with the help of my colleague and Dietician Lara Rickard, we are going to look at a short mindfulness practice to help you understand your hunger.

understanding hunger physical psychological cues

Understanding Hunger: Physical and psychological cues

Have you ever had a sudden urge to eat something or following a meal had a significant desire to eat more, especially something sweet? Why is it that this seems to happen at the same time of day each day...

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Stress, emotions and mindless eating

In this article written by my colleague and Dietician Lara Rickard and myself we look at the connection between stress or emotions and how we eat.

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My Top 10 Mindful Eating Tips from Thich Nhat Hanh

Here are some tips I have taken from Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh, also known as “The Father of Mindfulness”. These were taken from his short book titled How to Eat.

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Why We Eat: Exploring your relationship with food, finding balance & flexibility

We’ve all heard it before, “everything in moderation” or “eat a balanced diet”, but what does that mean and what does that mean for you? In this article we are going to explore how to create balance in your diet,...

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Why We Eat: Food, Emotions & Connection

In this article we are going to begin to explore this emotional connection and why it influences behaviour as well as bringing awareness to the social role that food plays.

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Why We Eat: Food and the Body

In this article we are going to look at the connection between food and our physiology and why food can play such an important role in optimising health and improving physique.

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Using nutrition to get relief from Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)

In this article I’d like to educate you about how nutrition can act as a natural treatment and provide relief from the symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS).

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First steps in reducing your plastic footprint

Plastic is far from fantastic. For a material that was only invented just over a century ago in 1907, it has certainly left a large and ugly mark on the planet.

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Nutrition to speed up injury recovery

Want to recover faster from an injury? Nutrition can play a pivotal role in speeding up the recovery process.

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Why people get “hangry” and what to do about it

In this article we are going to look at why some people get “hangry” after not eating for a while or between meals.

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A Functional Medicine Approach to PCOS: How to assess and manage PCOS naturally

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a multifaceted condition that affects women across the globe, presenting a complex challenge to both patients and healthcare professionals alike. In the realm of functional medicine, a holistic and individualised approach to diagnosis and management...

should digestive health influence exercise program

Should digestive health influence your exercise program?

Most of our clients think about movement only in terms of weight loss, fitness, strength, competitive sports or maybe body sculpting. There is a lot more to movement than this. And for clients suffering from digestive troubles, the type of...

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The art of failing well

Most of us start our journey of health with massive ambitions. You feel energized, motivated and ready to turn your diet on its head, or rather, on its feet. You clear all the crisps, sweets and treats from your cupboard,...

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How coaching will help you reach your nutrition & health goals

In the following article, I’d like to discuss the role of coaching and its ability to support your nutrition program and health journey. Many clients start come to see us at Steve Grant Health with a lot of enthusiasm, only...

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A Functional Medicine approach to Endometriosis

In this article we take a look at the traditional symptoms associated with endometriosis, how it can develop, risk factors and the conventional approach to treatment. Following on from that we then looks at nutrition and lifestyle considerations, potential use...

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A functional medicine approach to Cryptosporidium (Crypto)

In this article we are going to overview the parasitic infection known as cryptosporidium (aka crypto) and take a look at how functional medicine can be used to address it.

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A Functional Medicine approach to Giardia

So you’ve had a stool test and it looks like you have a Giardia infection. Giardia is a parasitic infection that can bring about a host of disruptive symptoms, affecting both digestive and overall health, yet it is rarely discussed...

what causes intestinal gas what can be done

What causes intestinal gas and what you can do about it

We all have gas, some of us more than others, but on average we all pass wind 10-15 times per day. For some excessive gas can be embarrassing, and for others a tool for child-like humour, what should be understood...

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Understanding Fats

Fats have had a bad rap over the past 30-40 years. The obsession around low fat products along with misinformation based upon cherry picked research has ultimately lead to a state of confusion as to whether fats are helpful or...

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Understanding Caffeine

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that can help provide mental stimulation, in fact it is the worlds most consumed psychoactive drug. The media and opinion often portray caffeine as something that can be both good and bad for your health....

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Understanding Alcohol

How we all respond to alcohol is likely to be very individual but let’s explore it’s potential affects on your health and physique goals, as well as providing some ways to be more mindful and make better choices when it...

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Understanding Carbohydrates

Not all carbohydrates are equal and over the years the image of carbohydrates have gone from friend to foe back to friend again depending on what article or “expert” you listen to.

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Understanding Fibre

In this article I aim to provide a general overview of fibre, its benefits and the best sources to include in your diet.

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Understanding Protein

In this discussion we are going to look at the role protein plays in the body, whilst determining what optimal levels are for you and reviewing whether too much protein can be bad for you.

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What are Phytonutrients?

We’ve all heard of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, but what are phytonutrients?

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Food Preparation Made Easy

If you are a busy person, who still likes to make their own meals but would like to perhaps reduce your time in the kitchen then this article is for you. Not only will be be covering some food prep...

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Nutrition and lifestyle considerations for Crohn’s Disease

In this article I am going to discuss the role of inflammation in the gut with a particular focus on Crohn’s disease. We’ll look at the main symptoms, probable causes and what you can do to help improve your outcome.

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The Best Prebiotic and Probiotic Foods and how to support Postbiotic levels

To help support the balance of bacteria in our gut there are certain foods that should feature regularly in your diet. The two food groups you should include are prebiotics and probiotics. In this article we look at why beneficial...

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How to improve your digestive health – The 5R approach

What I am going to introduce to you today is a concept known as the 5R protocol for gastrointestinal health. It’s something I have been using for a number of years now since I was first introduced to it when...

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Halloween Recipes

Hi all, my name is Fay and I am Steve’s wife. People always ask me ‘ooooh your husband is a nutritionist, you must have to hide all your naughty stuff!’. Well no, luckily Steve is not a sergeant but he’s...

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Weight loss – where should I start?

In the world of weight loss there are many opinions on the ideal way to succeed. In reality there is no one single protocol that is right for everyone, however there are some principles that work with the majority of...

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Diet and lifestyle considerations to help with Rosacea

In this article I look at considerations both in the causes of rosacea and also natural therapies to help address rosacea including dietary, testing and supplemental considerations.

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Diet and lifestyle considerations to help with Acne

In this review I want to discuss some of the mechanisms on how acne can develop and also discuss what you might be able to do to help address acne.

Should I be on a gluten free diet?

In todays article I want to discuss a few considerations with regards to going gluten free. I want to discuss my stance on the subject and also present some literature that was presented to me by Dr Tom O’Bryan recently...

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What can your blood say about your health?

In this comprehensive article I want to outline how a thorough Comprehensive Blood Chemistry (CBC) can be one of the main starting and ongoing assessments used to get an overview of your current state of health and to guide decisions...

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Are you using foods to self-sooth?

In this article we look at emotional eating, how to raise awareness and some tactics to help you overcome emotional eating habits that often lead to yo-yo type dieting and an inability to achieve your health and physique goals.

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Is Thyroid Function Impacting your Weight Loss Efforts

In this article we take a quick look at how thyroid function might be affecting weight loss and how you might be able to determine if you potentially have an underlying thyroid issue.

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Improving your mood naturally: 7 ways to boost serotonin

Did you know that your mood can be significantly affected by levels of serotonin in the body? We suggest 7 natural methods for boosting this important neurotransmitter.

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Why your low Secretory IgA (SIgA) levels are causing immune and digestive issues

Mucosal surfaces cover a large part of our body. The digestive tract, nose, mouth and throat are prime examples where this mucosal layer plays a critical role in supporting our health.

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Is skinfold analysis an accurate measure of body fat?

In todays article I want to look at the use of skinfold measurements as a method for measuring body fat.

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The Forgotten Basics of Nutrition

As a nutritionist it can be easy to get carried away with the more complex side of our job, the laboratory testing and supplement prescription. All too often nutritionists and other health practitioners forget or even disregard the basics that...

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Introduction to Macronutrients

In this article we are going to review the importance of the three main macronutrients: Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates.

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The Importance of Mindful Eating

In this article we look at what mindful eating is and what you can do improve how you eat and the process of mindful eating.

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Is stress effecting your health? – Separating the good from the bad and the ugly

An important part of improving your health is to determine what parts of your current lifestyle are either contributing or taking away from your health goals.

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Is detoxing for dorks?

So it’s that time of year again, almost everyone I know is going to start his or her January detox. In the process they are going to post untold amounts of pictures of their nasty tasting green juices and plates...

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Can natural medicine play a role in cancer treatment?

In recent months I have been asked my opinion on the role that nutrition and natural medicine can have on cancer treatment. As nutritionists we often find ourselves in a position of trying to help prevent disease, but on occasions...

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3 Nutrient interactions you should know about before supplementing with Vitamin D

Confirmed low levels of vitamin D may require supplementation, yet before supplementing with vitamins you should consider the following nutrient relationships:

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Natural ways to support bone health – Mineral rich foods for healthy bones

Minerals are inorganic substances that provide physical structure to the body in the bones and also combine with other chemical regulators such as enzymes to shape biochemical processes. They divide in to two groups – the major and the trace...

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Foods that increase blood flow – Salicylate rich foods

Salicylates are chemicals that are naturally found in plants. They act like natural pesticides to help protect the plant against insects and disease. In some individuals, salicylate sensitivity is possible, and the symptoms are pretty obscure such as headaches, IBS,...

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Microwave cooking: How does it affect your food and your health?

For such a common method of cooking there has been a surprisingly sparse amount of research completed on the positives or negatives of microwave cooking on our food and our health. Most of the articles / blogs online are either...

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Organic vs Non Organic Food

There is an increasing awareness with regards to organic foods vs non-organic foods, with many people choosing to buy organic for a variety of reasons, with the most popular reasons given are that of reducing toxin exposure, being better for...

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How many vegetables should I eat per day?

There is not a week that goes by without a contradictory article telling us exactly how many vegetables we must eat to stay healthy. But is there an amount that’s right for everyone? Should we be aiming for a certain...

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Gut Bug Testing and IBS

As I have already pointed out in previous articles, IBS is a blanket term used to diagnose someone with a particular set of symptoms. Unfortunately being diagnosed with IBS gets you no closer to understanding why you are experiencing these...

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Mercury Detoxification Considerations

Unfortunately we have many exposures to mercury these days and some level of management is required to help prevent the poisonous effects of mercury exposure.

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Gut Bugs and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Most Common Digestive Infections

As I was explaining in my article titled ‘What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?’, one of the major causes of IBS is the presence of something in the digestive system that should not be there, such as unwanted invaders or overgrowths...

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What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

Probably one of the most common diagnoses when attending your doctor with digestive symptoms is that of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS in short. But what exactly is IBS?

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Honoring your cephalic response: The practice of mindful eating

Your cephalic response occurs when we see, smell, think or taste food. It is a primal response that stimulates the limbic system in the brain before it then stimulates the vagus nerve that goes on to stimulate the production of...

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A journey through the digestive system – Step 4 The Small Intestine

The small intestine is roughly 20 feet long and spread flat could cover the size of a tennis court. It is at this crucial point that digestion is completed and much of the absorption takes place.

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A journey through the digestive system – Step 3 The Stomach

Our stomach mostly plays a role in terms of digestion; very little absorption takes place here, other than certain medications, some water, certain salts and alcohol.

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A journey through the digestive system – Step 2 The Mouth

As you would have seen from my previous article digestion actually begins in the brain and I gave some simple steps that might allow you to improve this starting point of digestion.

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A journey through the digestive system – Step 1 The Brain

There are many considerations when it comes to optimising digestion, but first of all we must understand the journey that our food takes to get broken down into its simply molecular form such as amino acids, fatty acids and glucose.

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The Zinc – Testosterone Connection

Athlete populations seem to be more prone to zinc deficiency, so those that train on a regular basis would fit into that same population. Red blood cell zinc is a much more effective measurement than serum zinc levels and test...

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The Vitamin D – Testosterone Connection

There are vitamin D receptors located on sperm cells and vitamin D also appears to play a direct role in the production of steroid hormones. Similar to Zinc and Magnesium those found with low levels, and given supplementation to increase...

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The Magnesium – Testosterone Connection

Low magnesium levels are associated with lowered testosterone, thus magnesium supplementation has been shown to increase testosterone to normal ranges.

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The Estrogen – Testosterone Connection

Estrogen and Testosterone have been coined female and male hormones. Whilst this is not strictly true, imbalances can see masculisation of females or feminisation of males.

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The Blood Sugar – Testosterone Connection

Blood sugar regulation is the cornerstone of any good nutrition plan, and unbeknown to many, poor blood sugar regulation and thus insulin control can have a significant effect on male sex testosterone production.

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Flying Considerations: How to prevent getting ill after flying

There are many possible causes of the increased risk of illness after flying, and in this article we are going to investigate the possible causes, dispel some myths and also give you some hints as to what you can do...

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Why and how to keep a gratitude diary

Whilst a gratitude diary is a very ‘American’ type of activity that us Brits generally laugh at, it is certainly an effective way of changing mind set before bed, reducing stress hormones and encouraging a good night’s sleep.

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How much water should I drink per day?

One of the first areas of nutrition everyone should focus on and is easy for us to change is that of water intake.

Flying Considerations: How to beat jet lag and improve performance

Jet lag has the potential to wreck your performance, whether a competitive athlete or a travelling businessman / woman you need to be aware of tactics you can use to overcome jet lag as quickly as possible.

Flying Considerations: Effects of Air Cabin Pressure on Digestion

Flying can be particularly stressful on the body; I know in my experience that when I fly I’d often feel pretty out of whack for at least 24hours after landing and often my digestion felt awful for days. Even if...

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A Basic Guide to Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing, often referred to as deep breathing, plays a pivotal role in supporting and enhancing the functionality of our nervous system. This technique, which involves deep, rhythmic breaths from the diaphragm, encourages full oxygen exchange — the beneficial trade...

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10 Tips for beginners on meditation

Meditation when first starting out can seem challenging. We live our lives at 100mph and to take time out of our hectic schedules to sit and be in the present even just for 5-10mins can seem like the most demanding...

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3 Evening Routine Habits to Help Improve Sleep Health

Sleep is one of the most important areas of health that is often forgotten about. Poor sleep can lead to lower libido, increased risk of many chronic diseases, impairs attention and alertness, increases the risk of depression, can mess up...

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The psychology of change

Before determining the in’s and outs of healthy nutrition one crucial area that must be talked about is the psychology of change. Understanding why we want to make change and forming relationships between the new habits and our current highest...

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A Functional Medicine approach to performing an elimination diet

Embarking on an elimination diet can seem like a daunting endeavour. However, when guided by the principles of functional medicine, this process transforms into a powerful tool for uncovering the hidden causes of discomfort and disease. In this article, we...

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You seem confused! Can we trust the media’s nutrition advice?

There is a reason why I don’t rely on the mainstream media to educate myself on nutrition and lifestyle practices. Day in day out we are being told contradictory information regarding what we should or should not be putting in...

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Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths

In this article I would like to discuss the benefits of including Epsom Salt baths in your life and how they can help with a range of health issues.

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The importance of adequate zinc

The human body contains around 1.5-2.5grams of zinc, of which most is found in the bones and muscles. Because there are no reserves of zinc in the body that are readily mobilised, it is crucial to keep a steady intake...

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Hidden Gut Dysfunctions Part 2: Stomach Acid Insufficiency

The acid that begins the process of protein digestion in the stomach is Hydrochloric acid (HCl). Within the health industry I have noticed the abuse of supplementary HCl in a hope to improve digestion. The use of non-scientific methods of...

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Hidden Gut Dysfunctions Part 1: Leaky Gut Syndrome

As you saw in my article ‘What your poo says about you’, there are many indicators that can tell us is something is imbalanced in the gastrointestinal system. Moving on from assessing our stools, there are also a number of...

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What Your Poo Says About You

Many years ago I remember watching ‘Dr’ Gillian Mckeith poking her nose around peoples stools on the programme ‘You Are What You Eat’. Little did I know that whilst watching that programme I would go on to become quite fascinated...

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Improving overall health by improving digestion – my story

Many people assume that I have been healthy all my life, and whilst I have always been aware of health, read about health and studied health, I have by no means always been healthy. My own experiences with ill health...

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Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally: A Case Study

Type 2 Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic disease around, especially in developed countries. Truth be told it is a disease of lifestyle. Some people are more prone to the development of the disease, but if the right...

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Nutrition strategies for connective tissue injury prevention and recovery

Following an injury, enhancing, and optimising the recovery process, is a primary concern for anyone who likes to move and feel healthy. Additionally, preventing injury is even better! Conventional treatments of rest, immobilisation, ice etc. are well known. This article...

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Lifestyle Medicine and Chronic Disease

Working as a nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner, I am able to work with my clients on a number of different levels. I work on every single aspect of their lifestyle to elicit the most optimal change in their health,...

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It’s not just about calories!

I am going to touch on a very controversial subject. For years the notion of calories in calories has been the fundamental principle many health experts, doctors, dieticians etc have stuck to as an explanation as to why we as...

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Cruciferous vegetables, Cancer and Estrogen metabolism

Consumption of cruciferous vegetables – a family of vegetables that includes spinach, watercress, radish, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale – has long been associated with good health. A highly significant study from the University of Ulster was published...

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Lose the Pot Belly

In my clinic I spend a lot of my time pinching my clients skin and taking their body fat measurements. The method I use called Biosignature Modulation is a great way of seeing where a client is predominately storing body...